En los siguientes enlaces encontrarás lecturas con sus respectivos audios y vocabulario. Escúchalos
léelas simultáneamente utilizando skimming. Si hay alguna o algunas partes que no entiendes,
no te preocupes continua la lectura e intenta comprender lo que más puedas, sin afanarte o preocuparte por aquello
que no entiendas. Intenta deducirlo por el contexto.
Tareas 2015
viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2015

Smart People Play it Safe
You like playing video games and you`ve finally reached the last level of your favorite one! But after all these long
hours in front of the screen, the state-of-the-art graphics dont`t seem as clear as before and the sound effects are
buzzing in yours ears. No matter how fast you try to push the "jump" button. you can`t make it past the current
screen. If this has ever happenned to you, don´t worry; you´re not alone.
Experts say that playing video games help to improve memory, math skills, and patience. However, you have to
play sensibly or you can develop health problems. Sam Blakey, for example, a 14 years old American
boy could play video games for hours, but then he got Nintendo thumb. This happens when you make
your thumb do the same action again and again like pressing a button on a game console.
So when you sit in front of your computer screen ready to play your favorite game , make sure you play
it safe.
- Don`t sit too close to the screen or you`ll have sore eyes. If you wear glasses, you must wear them or you can damage your eyesight.
- Always sit in a comfortable chair or you cand end up whit a backache.
- Always have a light on. You must no play in the dark.
- Remember, you also have a social life and schoolwork. Gaming must not affect them.
Deberás seguir la letra, cantar la canción con la pronunciación y entonación respectiva, y por supuesto comprenderla. Si encuentras palabras desconocidas puedes usar el diccionario.
Ahora deberás leer y escuchar simultaneamente el texto que aparece a continuación (ya lo habías leido en una
entrada anterior), utilizando la estrategia de lectura skimming. La meta de esta actividad es
lograr una mejor comprensión del mismo. Si aún sientes vacíos en el texto, expresiones que no comprendes
del todo, usa el diccionario y/o pregunta a tu profesor
Smart People Play it Safe
Smart People Play it Safe
You like playing video games and you`ve finally reached the last level of your favorite one! But after all these long
hours in front of the screen, the state-of-the-art graphics dont`t seem as clear as before and the sound effects are
buzzing in yours ears. No matter how fast you try to push the "jump" button. you can`t make it past the current
screen. If this has ever happenned to you, don´t worry; you´re not alone.
Experts say that playing video games help to improve memory, math skills, and patience. However, you have to
play sensibly or you can develop health problems. Sam Blakey, for example, a 14 years old American
boy could play video games for hours, but then he got Nintendo thumb. This happens when you make
your thumb do the same action again and again like pressing a button on a game console.
So when you sit in front of your computer screen ready to play your favorite game , make sure you play
it safe.
- Don`t sit too close to the screen or you`ll have sore eyes. If you wear glasses, you must wear them or you can damage your eyesight.
- Always sit in a comfortable chair or you cand end up whit a backache.
- Always have a light on. You must no play in the dark.
- Remember, you also have a social life and schoolwork. Gaming must not affect them.
En esta segunda sección de vocabulario revisaremos algunos términos relacionados con el texto base. Para
desarrollar eficazmente la actividad sigue los siguientes pasos: primero elige el modo de estudio Flashcard para
repasar significados. Una vez hayas terminado de hacerlo por lo menos tres veces, deberás cambiar al modo Speller.
Para finalizar, debes realizar la actividad pero en modo de estudio learn.
Continuando con los verbos modales observa cuidadosamente este video, donde se muestra con ejemplos de la vida
real el uso de must y have to. Es importante que lo mires más de una vez para comprender la utilización de estos
modales, para lo cual deberás hacer clic derecho en el siguiente enlace, y abrirlo en una nueva pestaña:
Después de observar cuidadosamente el video sobre los usos de could determina a que uso corresponde cada una de
las siguientes frases. Observa que ya hay un item resuelto a manera de ejemplo.
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